Tuesday, April 12, 2011

HW 44

My comments !! :

Casey: Damnnnnnnnnnn.... You're experience with Dr. Moritz was very interesting. I liked how you were EXTREMELY detailed in the post and explained your thoughts throughout the whole experience also. This matters to me because you were so detailed it feels like I was actually there and it made me feel like I've had first hand experiences with birth. Great job buuuuuuuuddy!

John: Johnnnnn you talked about the “love hormone” and bonding between the mother and baby and how it can be disturbed by interventions. I like how you brought in the breastfeeding part because we didn’t talk about breastfeeding and the importance of it during the unit and I was actually unaware of the importance of it. Your project matters to me because it taught me about the bonding process between a mother and a child and you talked about the negative affects if there is no bonding.

Sophia: Sophia you're project went into reasons why people in the U.S. decide to have and not have children. I like how you explore so many reasons to have or not have children and you use statistics and surveys for evidence. This is important to me because I was also very curious about the reasons for having children because it seems like something almost everyone wants at some point in their life.

Chris: Christ great post sounds like you're group project was the best in the whole class... You're project was supposed to be about procedures conducted in hospitals during births. But after you and this Jasper guy were rejected you found people outside to interview about their views on birth and you also interviewed a very knowledgable pediatrician. I like how you still went into what you originally wanted to do the project on and gave some statistics. I also like how you talked to regular people outside but then got knowledgeable source also that you could ask some questions to. This project matters to me because it's the same thing I did and I think it's important to know what the society thinks not just the people you know! P.S. you make us seem very stupid in your post. And me more than you..

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