Wednesday, December 1, 2010

HW 19

My beliefs that my parents were more towards the holistic way of dealing with illness was correct. Both my parents have the same approach to dealing with illness. My mom said that your body is designed to fight off sickness, so a lot of the times people will take medicine when they don't even need it. Instead of taking Tylenol cold pills you can rest and do other things to get rid of a cold. There are many home remedy things my parents tell me to do for example gargling hot salt water when you have a sore throat, putting Vicks in boiling water and put a towel over your head and breath it in to clear your sinuses, and drinking tea with honey. This was how they were brought up, both of my parents said that it was very seldom that they went to the doctors only if they were really sick. Another point they made was that they respect antibiotics and how well they work but when you take medicine so much your body becomes resistant to the drug and your bodies natural defense system gets weaker, so if you take it less it will be more effective when you take it and your body can fight sickness off better when you don't take medicine.
I think one thing that changed from their time to now is that now people always want to see a specialist for something. This is an overlap from my parents time to now that I noticed. I think people need to let their bodies deal with things by themselves, opposed to depending on a drug to fight off sickness. My mom said that she and my father are like this in general they like to figure out things themselves and not always just go to someone else.
I also connected this to the last unit and fastfood. I think that in our society people want everything to be fast and easy. For example like with fastfood people want their food as fast as possible and cheap it's all about whats the fastest and easiest. So if people can take a couple pills and feel better fast they'll do that instead of staying home and getting more rest and doing things that are better for your body. I think this is wrong but I also understand the other side very much. If you have that option of taking medicine even if you know you don't necessarily need it, it's hard to turn that down. When I get a headache I automatically think to take a couple Advil pills. If you get a headache you can go lay down and rest but if you have the option to take a pill and keep doing what you were doing it is more convenient.

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